

Tmvr Casestudy

A 70 years old male was admitted under Dr. Ankur Phatarpekar with a history of Rheumatic Heart Disease with Mitral Valve Stenosis with PAF Since 2004. In 2010 he underwent Mitral Valve Replacement through open heart surgery.

Medical History

Known case of Rheumatic Heart disease with Mitral Valve Stenosis since 2004. Under went mitral valve replacement surgery.

2D Echo Report


Peak by mean gradient across prosthetic mitral valve from 15/6mm of hg to 19/7mm of hg

Grade 1/4 AR

Pasp by tr jet 43 mm of hg

Mitral valve diameter varies from 39.8 mm and 43.7 mm

LVEF 45%


Well functioning bioprosthetic valve in mitral position no turbulence and laminar flow noted

Mitral peak by mean gradient pht = 9/2 mm of hg

Mitral valve area = 2.0 sqcm

Mildly sclerotic aortic valve with peak gradient 20 systolic

Psp by tr jet 35 mm of hg

LVEF 50-55%

Management/Progress in Hospital

Post procedure shifted to ICU for Cardiac Monitoring. ICU stay was uneventful with no fresh complaint hence shifted to ward and discharged with stable hemodynamic.